Changing your shipping address:
Once you make your order, it is automatically sent to our warehouse to get ready for shipping. This ensures we get all our orders out as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this means that it's unlikely that we'll be able to change your shipping address once you've made your order.
In a few rare circumstances or in the case of pre-orders, your order might not have been shipped out yet, so it might be worth contacting us here with your order number, if it is urgent, to see whether we're able to change your address.
If your order has already been sent out to the incorrect address, you will need to wait for it to be 'returned to sender'. This will then be delivered back to the warehouse that it was dispatched from. Once it gets back to our warehouse we will be able to send it out to your correct address.
If your order has already been dispatched, there may still be hope by getting in touch with the courier. What we would recommend is to get in touch with the courier directly, and tell them of the amendment to the address. They may still be able to help!
Always make sure to double-check your shipping address before checking out to avoid these delays!
Amending items in your order:
We are keen to get your orders out as quickly as possible so making amendments on orders can be difficult! If it has only been a couple of hours, or you have placed a pre-order for shipping at a later date, get in contact with us here with your order number and we can see what can be done.
If you do wish to remove some items from your order once it has arrived, please get in contact with us and we can assist in this return.