You can now pair with more than one Beeline device at once!
This means that you don’t need to worry about unpairing/re-pairing when swapping between devices (eg. a Velo 2 and a Moto II or a Moto II and an original Moto) and that you can even set up two devices on your handlebars for more ride info.
To pair another Beeline device, simply go to the Beeline app > Settings tab and scroll down to "Beeline device" > "Connect a Beeline device"
(Previously this option would be hidden if you already had a device paired)
From here you'll be taken through the prompts to pair your second (or third or more!) Beeline device!
At this point, you'll be all set to ride with the device of your choosing, or both if you'd like. Just switch the other(s) off if you're not looking to use them or leave them at home and they'll disconnect once you're out of range 🤙
Once paired:
You'll be able to spot which Beeline devices you have paired in your home "Ride" screen as well as in the "Settings" of your Beeline app.
From the home screen, your Beelines will be identified in the top banner of your screen. In the below example, 76ED and 2C86 are paired and in range - ready to ride - while 2CFD is paired but not connected:
From the Settings menu, you can view more details about each of your Beeline devices:
How do I choose which device to use on a ride? You can choose based on activity type, or just based on which bike you're taking out that day if that's your style! Just turn the ones you don’t want to use off, or you can just leave them at home and it’ll just disconnect once you’re away from them.
How many devices can I pair? As many as you want!
Can I use them at the same time while riding? Yes, but if you have more than 2 running you might see some lag in updates
How do firmware updates work? You have to update one at a time. Just click the notifications for each device and let it complete, then start the next one
Will using multiple devices consume more power on my phone? Most likely, but shouldn’t be by much more
How do I unpair a device? Same way as before, find the device in the Settings tab and click Unpair this Beeline. If you'd like to repair it later on to the same phone, be sure to forget from your phone's Bluetooth settings menu as well. For more help, visit our help article here.