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Riding Modes

This article explains the three riding modes available on the Beeline app and how to select them before starting a ride.

Updated this week

You have three riding mode options when out and about with your Beeline. At the start of your ride, you can choose which best suits your preferences:

  • Route Mode - turn-by-turn user interface - this is the default navigation mode and is activated when selecting a “Fast” or “Fun” Moto route

  • Tracking Mode - for the rides when you don’t have a destination but still want the stats

  • Compass Mode - “as the crow flies”, arrow interface that points you in the direction of your destination but lets you decide the route

Watch our tutorial video to find out more:

To select the mode you would like to ride in:

  1. Head to the “Ride” screen within the Beeline app. There, you will see the options to either “Plan ride” or “Record”

2. If you’re going for a ride that you don’t need directions or don't have a destination for, you can choose the “Record” mode (learn more about that here!), otherwise, choose “Plan ride”

3. If you’ve chosen record, you’re all set here - as long as your Beeline is in range and connected, it will begin recording your ride and give you the stats to show for it! Otherwise, keep going 🤙

4. Otherwise, plan a ride! You can learn more about that here

5. Once you’ve planned your ride, you will then have the choice between the Route Mode options generated (Fast and Fun) and Compass Mode.

Select the one that looks best for your day out and you’re off to the races! Your connected device will react accordingly and guide you throughout your journey.

And you’re off! Happy Beelining!

Want to learn more about the device screens you may see along your journey? Find our article here

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